Mini workshop: FREE! Right here, right now What do you want to accomplish? It's your life. What's important to you? Have you made your list? Dream big, write it all down and then ask yourself, "If I could only do ONE of these things, which one would it be?" Now you know what's important to you, really important. So how do you accomplish what you want? Here are four elements--pieces of the puzzle--you need to get together: Attitude Do you have right thinking? Do you believe in yourself? Do you know you are worth it? Tools Do you have what you need--materially, physically? If you don't have what you need, make a list and get it together. If you want to go rock climbing, you'll need the right equipment. What do you need? Be sure that what you have on your list is truly necessary and don't waste your time getting tools that won't really serve you. What do you need to get those tools together? Skills Do you know how to do what you need to do? Want to be in a triathlon? You gotta know how to swim. If you don't know how to swim, then even with goggles and the best attitude in the world you can't get in the water. No one can know how to do it all, that's where learning from others comes in: read, take a class, practice. This is called growing! (It's a good thing.) Action Once you know what you want, believe you can accomplish it and have a strong desire, gather the tools you'll need, and learn the skills, you can take the steps to create your dreams. Break it down into small bite sized pieces. Create a time line or a new habit. Persistence Be relentless. Move forward (make sure your compass is pointing you in the right direction!). Take small steps. If you fall--that's OK! Get back up. Take another step forward. You CAN do this!
When you make a statement about why your business (or life) is stuck or not working, ask yourself this question:
Is that really true? So much of what we accept psychologically is controlling and limiting us. What is the choke hold on any business? It is usually either the owner's psychology or skills. Buying in to the limitations can hold us back. Do you really have all the information to know for sure that that thing you perceive as limiting you is true? If you've done your research about the environment of your business, you may come up against real limitations. Or, you may just need some new skills to make your business thrive. Or, you may simply need to adjust your inner environment--that is mindset. What ever you believe the limitations to be in your business, you make it true. What are your unspoken assumptions about your business? Are you willing to let those go? What if your limiting beliefs were not true? What would you do next? Remember that your website is not meant to be static. It's mean to be a place of vitality. Think about it as your online office where people come to see you. It should feel inviting to your market (not neglected and dusty). It should also feel fresh and new. A neglected website might make a visitor feel like you're not really into your business anymore.
So, regular, new blog posts or articles are an important element. For some more juice on this topic you can go to the Resources and have a look at some of the links or ideas there. Do a search and find an article online for more ideas or inspiration. Keep it fresh. Keep it current. "There is always room in your life for thinking bigger, pushing limits and imagining the impossible." ~Tony Robbins Imagine what your life would look like if you could snap your fingers and have your life fill your heart's desires. See it clearly. Imagine what it feels like, how great it is. Your life is full of possibility. Stretch into the vision.
A clear vision that you spend time with each day is in itself an action step that will help you build. You can do this! |
Who is Laya?Laya is an author, speaker, and solopreneur. She has thousands of hours of study and experience in both applied and positive psychology. Learning that it's not enough to write a book, you actually have to market in order for the book to get into the hands of a reader to make a difference, she studied online marketing as well as writing copy and branding. She knows the power of a mastermind group and wanted to bring this to her home community. With her son in the IDF and her daughter married, she lives with her husband, dog, and hens with an occasional sighting of the turtle. Archives
April 2017