Honestly, this is also a place I use to keep track of resources I want to remember for myself! If you find something useful or want me to add something else, just let me know. Contact me!
Note: this may look like a short list, but some of these links contain many more links. You can get lost here so just choose one or two ideas and do them, then come back for the next idea.
Note: this may look like a short list, but some of these links contain many more links. You can get lost here so just choose one or two ideas and do them, then come back for the next idea.
Online Business Learning
Here's a resource you won't want to miss for lots more about business!
Head on over for a wealth of information that can enrich your business growth!
Head on over for a wealth of information that can enrich your business growth!
This website is also a very rich resource From the site: "Virtually Ignorant was created to explain designing, marketing, and the basic components of the web; it’s the intro to everything a beginner to intermediate user in this vast world of the internet needs to know."
Building a website
Build your website from scratch using the coaching and resources here:
Check out my blog for more details about building a website. Here are some links for you: this is exactly the service that I used to build this website and my other websites as well!
If I can do it, you can too. is the top place to go to buy a URL--that means the website address, like "" or ""
Now, if you use Weebly to build your website, you don't even need to buy a URL, they'll give you one for free but it will have at the end of it. Here's a website that I helped my friend Ruth start: The cost per year for your own URL is pretty small and if you want to make a website that you use for business, I recommend it. NOTE: if you want to buy a URL, don't even search for one unless you have your credit card in your hand and are ready to buy it if it's available.
**Check the internet for a discount code that you can use at the end of the purchase and it could save you money!
Here's a resource for building a WordPress website that looks good though I haven't used it personally.
Back to Weebly: They have great articles and tutorials to help you move along in your website creation. (Like this one on personalizing the theme or template you chose.) I'm sure that any of the other free website services (Yola, Drupal, etc.) have the same.
My go-to site for photos is
This is a site that offers free photos. It's always nice to acknowledge the photographer and site, but not necessary. Unless I took the photo, I most likely got it from By the way, the term "morgue" is an old journalism term for a place to file photos.
Another free site for photos is here:
Their motto is "do whatever you want"
Here's one more:
Do you like word clouds? Try this:
If you want to have the nifty option of people leaving a voice message on your website check out
An easy and free sign up gets you a code you can use to add a voicemail widget.
Get Music for your videos or website
Make animated videos
Resources for your website
Any one of these links should take you to all of these links Site templates and themes Scripts and snippets Royalty free video files Royalty free music Stock graphics files Royalty free stock photography Help with what to say that covers you legally Site templates and themes Scripts and snippets Royalty free video files Royalty free music Stock graphics files Royalty free stock photography Help with what to say that covers you legally
Virtual team help Be sure you are clear, even test people who you work with
Crowd Fuding
Crowd Funding is putting out the opportunity for other people to fund you. They are called "backers" meaning they are not getting a piece of your profit, but they are offered some lovely goody for helping you out. Watch the video on my blog here.
Here's a great list of must dos for your crowd funding video: The Ultimate Crowd Funding to do List by Nathaniel Hansen
Here's a great list of must dos for your crowd funding video: The Ultimate Crowd Funding to do List by Nathaniel Hansen
Survey your market
Marketing & ad copy
This could be its own whole page, it's that important. Each little tidbit here could make a big difference to your business.
Here's a fantastic place to start:
Gary is a respected pro and his "bullets" are easy to read and follow:
So many tools and things to explore here:
Go here to learn about writing headlines. If you have a business you need to attract clients and headlines are critical: This is actually an eleven part series (i.e. eleven links to articles).
Here's a fantastic place to start:
Gary is a respected pro and his "bullets" are easy to read and follow:
So many tools and things to explore here:
Go here to learn about writing headlines. If you have a business you need to attract clients and headlines are critical: This is actually an eleven part series (i.e. eleven links to articles).
Organize appointments easily using this:
Want to create an ebook or print book?
Or are you making cd's?
Here's a resource you can use to create covers for a very reasonable price:
Want to create an ebook or print book?
Or are you making cd's?
Here's a resource you can use to create covers for a very reasonable price:
Back up your documents and photos for free using Dropbox. You can access your stuff from any computer and you can also use it to share files. This came highly recommended. Here's a Dropbox link for you:
Electronic Publishing is a Big Deal Now!
Here's one of the best articles I've found about publishing on Amazon:
The Ultimate Guide to Publishing Your eBook on Amazon’s Kindle Platform
Here's one of the best articles I've found about publishing on Amazon:
The Ultimate Guide to Publishing Your eBook on Amazon’s Kindle Platform
If you need help getting your book from the inside of you into this world, you might consider the Fearless Writing Lab (women only)
Here's another resource for self publishing, or "on demand" publishing:
They have binders, disc packaging etc.
The Ultimate Guide to Hiring an Awesome Virtual Team is an online guide to help you know when and how to create a successful virtual team
Here's something that's just cool: How to create passwords you can remember!
Know someone who should have a listing here? Please contact me and let me know.
[email protected]
[email protected]